Friday 24 September 2010

Research: Teaser Trailer Analysis; 2012

Starting with the internationally known 'Columbia Pictures' production, immediately allowing the audience to relate to other films of excellence produced by Columbia also. Next with a powerful flowing birds eye view over the Himalayan mountains, drawing the audience into focus on whats later recognised as a monk, travelling the mountain tops towards some sort of temple, the flowing height of the shot, illustrates power looking down on the monk, maybe identifying some sort of disaster. Constantly there is a unsettling sound as the opening images start of a buzzing, like bee's or wasps, obviously again an unsettling noise of that some danger is drawing close, enhancing the tension of the scene. Over the top of the buzzing is a steady beat from a drum, illustrating some sort of cultural warning, as the monk climbs the mountain the drumming noise is joined by the sound of a bell chiming out of sync enhancing an unsettling fear of danger. You can also see flags in the background that are blowing violently showing there is a lot of wind this is a symbol of things to come. The screen then fades to black and the text ‘How would the governments of our planet’, the screen then cuts to black again and the text ‘prepare six billion people’ appears this is linked to the text seen earlier. Many trailers use this technique to help illustrate the narrative of the film without giving away too much. There are more background sounds of about five different drums by this point all out of sync, joined by the sound of a symbol slowly getting louder and faster building up to a crescendo thus highlighting tension. It then cuts to another piece of text saying ‘the end of the world?’ this piece of text has a question mark on the end symbolising the end of the sentence that has been shown. The water is filling over the mountains showing that nothing to tall will stand in it's way, we then see another shot of the monk looking onto the distance it is obvious he has seen his impending death.

This film trailer, highlights the expense of the film to come by the powerful shots over recognised landmarks, with a powerful flow of water to highlight the use of special effects within the film, this will appeal to specific audience members whom like the fast Adventurous/Thriller/Disaster based films. With it's unique selling point being based on shock tactics which good relate to reality, hense '2012' the near future. Unusually for a disaster based film, this teaser trailer stands out to be fairly slow paced with no dialogue at all building tension. With the end shot allowing you to look more in depth into the movie with a link to 'Find out the truth - Online 2012' demanding the viewer to find out more.

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