Thursday 23 September 2010

Research: Teaser Trailer Analysis; Super 8

The opening shot of a peaceful landscape view, with the slightly unsettling noise of crickets, calms the audience and draws them into what might be coming next, immediately a shocking noisy scene of a cargo train going past shocks the reader drawing in with mystery. A ghostly blue flashes for a second unidentifiable to the audience. Then a black screen “In 1979, The U.S air force closed a section of Area 51' with a voice over radio controlling with bad signal. The writing disappears off the screen to flash a red light on the tracks, signalling the train to stop, the red highlights danger and emergency with the bells ringing to enhance the tension within the audience. In the distance you see a blur of headlights, with a vicious screeching of tyres as a car seems to be racing towards the on coming train. Another black screen flashes up with some more information towards the narrative saying 'All materials were to be transported to a secure facility in Ohio.' The car flashes back on to the screen, this time with a close up of the raging car smashing through a barrier, this highlights some sort of emergency with a mystery of why to the audience. The car races towards the on coming train as it sounds his horn with the realistic thundering of the train tracks below. As the train draws closer a black screen flashes up with 'From Producer, Steven Spielberg', this allows the audience to relate with the producer and reflect over previous films he has been involved in, to help construct a specific genre of the film. Whilst the black screen is up there is a nervy voice on the radio signalling danger with a hint of terror in his voice, then FLASH.. the voice on the radio says 'OH MY GOD' highlighting some sort of dangerous act, with a flash scene, of the car having a head on collision with the train. Sharp grinding noises of metal on metal screech as the train clashes to a halt, throwing the car out of it's path, the train splits up and derails, with lots of fiery sparks, highlighting an immediate danger. Cutting to a black screen “And Director J.J. Abrams”, this allows anyone familiar to J.J. Abrams and the other films he has directed to relate and illustrate a suitable genre once again. This time the black screen flickers out unsettling with a point of view shot creeping through the crime scene of destruction. Flashes back to a black screen 'Next Summer'.. sparks flow out back to the crash scene a pillar falls, with bright sparks flashing everywhere, then focusing onto a particular carriage as though something is trapped trying to escape, It Arrives.... thumping its way through the metal and just as it does, the screen flashes off to leave the audience at a cliff hanger, wondering what is inside the carriage and why the train was derailed. A super 8 camera lens can be seen. Inside the lens, several letters can be seen moving past in a movie reel fashion. By analyzing each frame, the letters S C A R I E S T T H I N G I E V E R S A W can be seen. Flashing up with a spooky calmed but creepy sound 'Super 8'..

Once again a very good teaser trailer drawing in the audience to the film mystery, but not showing too much as though to 'Tease' the audience into wanting to watch the film.

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