Wednesday 22 September 2010

Research: Teaser Trailer Analysis; UP

The teaser trailer for the film 'UP' by PIXAR, uniquely fits into the majority of the basic conventions of a teaser trailer for example the trailer doesn't reveal any of the storyline specifically, it only lasts 44 seconds and none of the shots in the trailer are used in the film itself. It is fairly unusual to find a teaser trailer which fits most of the conventions, as some are genuinely longer than the suitable 30-60 seconds and tend to steer slightly from the basic conventions.

I believe that this teaser trailer is a real 'teaser', it doesn't give anything away, just intrigues. The opening image allows the audience to identify the genre of the film immediately as the overflowing colour bursts onto the screen, influencing a positive theme. As the screen rolls up, enbedding the theme of the film Title 'UP'. There is a house floating by the helium balloons with a funny looking old man on his porch, this unusual scene enhances the comical film to be, already attracting it's paticular younger age group. Overall a very successful 'teaser' trailer.

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