Saturday 23 October 2010

Research: Cinema Audience Statistics; Age Group

The table below was taken from the 'Cinema Exhibitors' Association' website.

I feel that the table gives us an accurate representation of contemporary cinema viewers and the specific age and gender groups, this will be useful for us when deciding a paticular target audience - gender and age group, which will best suit our 'teaser trailer'. Our film is aimed at 15-24 year olds, which means we must make it relatable on several different levels in order to attract each social aspect of the age group.

Age: 15-24

Gender Ratio: 70% Male 30% Female

Typical audience to be interested and effected by the teaser trailer:

The typical male would be someone who can see an aspect of themselves in a character or can relate to thread of the storyline within the teaser trailer. On the other hand they could be interested in how we have chosen to illustrate the negative aspects of teenage life in a realistic urban setting.

The typical female would be one who is forced to watch a film with a male(boyfriend)or even on the off chance they could typically be attracted to a character therefore my trailer would be have to compromise with both female and male potential viewers.

Because of the genre and narrative, my trailer appeals very widely to both females and males.

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