Friday 22 October 2010

Research: Audience Category Analysis

Category analysis

- Certification (It's not always good to be low)
- Pearl and Dean is an ideal source to make reference from when comparing their audience profiling with similar films that we have done.

- The film will sell best when someone can relate to the storyline, target audiences would be best aimed at people in similar situations such as, Urban Drama = Urban culture.
- For example - Four Lions would not target their film at a religious audience who may get offended, such as Muslims.

-Men are stereotyped to be interested in Action and thriller films.
-Whereas women are stereotyped to enjoy chick flicks and horrors.
These stereotypes are generally speaking quite accurate with a contrast of precise statistics to strengthen them.

Where they live
- Normally the main differences of a British film would be the mix between southern and northern, which draw in and appeal to a niche audience.
- For example, if the location of an urban drama was set in London then the net marketing would take place in and around London.
- The film, Notting Hill, is a stereotypical London location which has a mass appeal throughout America and the UK.

- If you are aiming a film at a working male then you will not have film showings in the middle of the day, because they will be at work. - All these aspects are taken into consideration(Peak times).
- Childrens films = Morning viewings
- 4pm plus = school kids
- Houswives - TV shows = 8pm, after dinner and cleaning etc.
Stereotypes are used effectively here.

Lifestyle choices
- Advertising schemes will be targeted through stereotypical products such as 'Heat' magazine for females, 'Empire' magazine - for keen male movie enthusiasts.
- Internet monitering is also used to target paticular websites which relate to the film or similar interests.

- If you were to target your movie at an American audience for example you would have to illustrate Britain stereotypically and visa versa otherwise they wouldn't understand the concepts which they find humerous.

Political Persuasions
- Conservative and Labour both have very different strong views (These can be used to identify a potential target audience group).
- Different newspapers will advertise paticular films, as we have a strong stereotypical understanding on what kind of people buy certain types of newspapers - such as Guardian - Liberal - Daily Mail = very against teenagers/hoodys.

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