Friday 1 October 2010

Research: Relevant Teaser Trailer Analysis; Skins

Skins is an urban drama of modern day teenager lives, I have decided to analyse this teaser trailer as it is of a similar genre to which we have decided to progress with. This teaser is probably as teasing as they come with only 32seconds of film, the majority un clear and unsettling, it really doesn't want to give any of the narrative away.

The genre is clear by anyone who has seen the original t.v series of skins, assuming they carry on with the same style of urban/drama. The narrative shown by the first shot looks similar to the tv series, with a boy and a girl kissing outside, this illustrates the teenage relationship crisis', which can be easily related to by teenagers, already drawing in their key target audience as male and female young adults. There unique selling point would be probably their narrative as it is paticularly aimed around the lives of several young adults with the obstacles of which life throws them and the positive and negatively way things are portrayed.

The music in unusual and more mysteriously film like with a piercing flash of sound accompanies each of the titles, which this time is a blue and purple light into a black screen highlighting the youth involved in the film, so not the usual plain mature black screen. Similarly the title order is generally the same 'Summer 2011'.. 'Skins will'.. 'return'.. 'In movie'.. Unusually repating 'Summer 2011' at the end of the teaser accompanied with a montage of night life shock scenes and a creapy voice saying 'my brother' as the only bit of dialogue throughout. Illustrating that an accident has occured with the young girls brother, this can be one of many obstacles for the group of teenagers to deal with.

Altogether an original short teaser, giving away minimal information to leave the audience thinking, as imagination is such a powerful thing, many teaser trailers noticably use this to their advantage.

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